
Fresh Fig Flavour Drops

USD $ 6.49USD $ 9.99
USD $ 5.19USD $ 7.99

The taste of a fresh fig is unique. The sweetness in this aroma is the most prominent, with hints of fruity, floral qualities. Fresh figs are traditionally used to create jams and sweet desserts. The sweetness of this flavour balances well in savory dishes — ever tried figs and bacon? Have fun and experiment with this flavour, as you will be delightfully surprised at the delicious combinations and applications you can create.

SKU: HA0402A-V Category: Tag:
A unique flavour with prominent sweet notes and hints of fruity, floral notes.
Hedessent.ca Fresh Fig Flavor Drops
Fresh Fig Flavour Drops
USD $ 6.49USD $ 9.99
USD $ 5.19USD $ 7.99 Select options